
Awear Technologies is Set to Close the Education Achievement Gap

Written by The Social Lights | Sep 17, 2016 4:34:41 PM

Across the nation, 30 percent of students score below their grade level in reading comprehension testing, with approximately 3 million children struggling with learning disabilities. Rod Greder founded Awear Technologies after discovering that most learning deficits stem from executive function and cognitive control.

Awear Technologies aims to help students strengthen neural pathways associated with attention span and mental focus. Using a set of glasses with variable transparency, Awear monitors a student’s mental engagement, remaining transparent in times of high focus and occluding when the software detects the mind drifting.

Repeated use of the technology will help students develop a greater sense of focus and self-control, leading to improved performance in the classroom. Rod estimates that 10 million students could see significant, sustainable improvement through application of the technology. With the increased costs associated with educating students who suffer from learning disabilities, Awear provides an affordable solution to help narrow the achievement gap in the classroom.

In recent months, the Awear team has received $500,000 in grants to develop a prototype. The product is nearing the testing phase and plans to be running final tests within the next year, preparing for a product launch in 2018.

Awear Technologies, along with 13 other startups, will be in attendance at the upcoming Beta.MN / Showcase event on Sept. 19. The event will be held at the Target Commons from 5:30-8pm CT. Tickets are running out, but you can still secure your spot!