Beta.MN 2.0 is almost here! We've collected all the info you need to have the best possible night, and enjoy excellent Minnesota beer with innovative Minnesota startups:
Beta.MN is hosted upstairs at the amazing Surly Brewery (520 Malcolm Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414). Parking is limited and will fill up very fast – we recommend biking, busing, or cabbing, and getting there early!
You will need your ID to get into Surly, and your ticket to get into Beta.MN. Bring your Eventbrite ticket, either a hard copy or a digital copy on your phone.
You will receive 3 coins at the door – use them to vote for your favorite of the ten exciting startups! The winner will be awarded the coveted "Golden iPod" trophy at the end of the night, along with great bonuses from our awesome sponsors.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and tag your updates #betadotmn. We'll be watching for your startup cheers and jeers, beer recommendations, and winner predictions!