
DOSE Health aligns hospitals, professional caregivers, and family members of the elderly

Written by The Social Lights | Sep 3, 2015 5:55:47 PM

Tell us the story of how and why you started your company.

As a medical student, Paul had the opportunity to spend time with geriatric patients to learn how care was provided to this population. He noticed how difficult it could be for them to manage their medications, and that there were not any solutions that were both user friendly and cost-effective. While he was making these observations in a professional setting, Paul also knew his aunt was waking up at 4am every morning to remind his grandmother that it was time to take her first dose of medications as grandma was quite the early bird. Paul loves his family, cares for his patients, and treasures his sleep--he knew there had to be a better way.

Paul pointed out these findings to Steve, a lifelong friend, an aerospace engineer, and an expert tinkerer. Together they began working toward a better solution that has ultimately evolved into DOSE Health, an all encompassing medication management solution that directly aligns with the interests of hospital organizations, professional caregiving entities, families, and even grandma herself. Because every dose matters.

What’s your most recent success or milestone hit?

We have built a fully functioning Minimum Viable Product that includes a 3D printed prototype device with integrated front and backend software. After months of friends and family testing, we have established pilot programs with multiple local home care companies. This has validated our initial assumptions that our device and service is needed in the real world and that the professional caregiving entities are a good place to initially launch.

Where do you see your startup in 1 year?

Our next near-term goal is to raise a seed round of funding from friends, family, and professional investors to establish manufacturing, obtain FDA and FCC certifications, produce an initial batch of devices, and begin to sell to home care companies and assisted living facilities locally. After establishing initial traction we will aim to raise Series A money. This will allow us to build our team further while scaling the system with more devices and an increasingly powerful software solution.