
Golden iPod Spotlight - Trunkdrop

Written by Alex Skjong | May 9, 2022 4:32:42 PM

At Spring 2022 BETA Showcase, BETA Cohort company Trunkdrop became the latest winner of the Golden iPod Trophy. To celebrate this gilded achievement, we caught up with CEO Jon Schoen to chat about the company, the Minnesota startup ecosystem, and more.

Hey Jon! Tell us about Trunkdrop and the company's mission.

Trunkdrop is the new on-demand delivery app. Our mission is to deliver convenience far beyond current conventions.

Who doesn't like convenience? What sparked the idea for the business?

The idea came from necessities related to COVID and the evolution of convenience. We like to solve big problems and coming up a way for people to stay connected while apart was paramount.

What has been the most challenging aspect of starting Trunkdrop so far?

The most challenging aspect of Trunkdrop so far is the same thing for all startups.  Everything takes longer than you think.

Time. What a nuisance.

What's currently most important to the company's growth and how could people help in that regard?

The most important thing for Trunkdrop's growth would be word-of-mouth advertising to aid in organic user and driver acquisition.

Tell us a little bit about your experience in the Minnesota startup community. What do you think is good and what could be better?

My experience in the Minnesota startup community has been great. I was just laughing about how many TCSW shirts I have. The growth, organization, and mission has hit its stride. In Minnesota, the most exciting week has been Twin Cities Startup Week for many years now.   

What I think could be better about our community is being bold. Minnesota has so much talent and work ethic. We need to embrace the bold in it and push it like it's the next big thing. Because it just might be. You can feel the renaissance occurring. 

Hear, hear!

How's the BETA Cohort experience so far?

The BETA Cohort has been amazing, and we are super pumped to have won the Golden iPod Trophy. It's hands down the most supportive community in the state, and it's because of passionate empathetic leadership. We have a strong cohort of companies that feed off each other's growth, challenges, and needs. The structure itself tells the story of an entrepreneur's journey.