Reed Robinson Aug 29, 2014 2:08:39 PM 4 min read

Camera Slice Creates a Collective Photo-Sharing Experience

At any given moment, thousands of people may be snapping pictures of a similar time and location on their phones to share across various forms of social media. Take a concert for example, where many people gather, at the same time, unknowingly documenting the experience via a selfie or tweet. It would be pretty cool to see one view of that concert from multiple perspectives, right? Well, Camera Slice is taking this idea of a mutual photo experience and making it a reality by linking images of the same event by multiple users to create a collective view of a single moment in history. Here's their story:

Q: Where did the idea for Camera Slice begin?

A: The idea for Camera Slice came about in 2012. Founders Matt Pacyga and Joel Stewart originally founded an iOS development company called Gray Squid Division (or GSD - Get Sh*t Done); there both founders were building an app that synchronized separate audio and video streams. The founders had gotten as far as building a simple prototype of the Camera Slice concept, but were interrupted when GSD was acquired, at which point Camera Slice was temporarily placed on the back burner.

Two years later, the idea came forward once again. Camera Slice was officially founded in 2014 with Joel Vaughan in creative, Drew Whitson in Finance, Joel Stewart in Engineering and Matt Pacyga in Strategy. We also have additional engineering support from Andrew Aarestad.

Camera Slice is invested in connecting people together through shared experiences. The feeling of connectedness when sharing immediate experiences synced together is powerful, whether it is with good friends or strangers. It is all about creating context.

Q:  What has been Camera Slice's biggest achievement so far?

Our most recent milestone is our synchronized scalability past 20+ connected devices. It is notable that Camera Slice has filed a core patent and we are also in the process of filing another patent around the way we order/organize picture data in a stadium setting.

Q: With scalability and patents coming together, what's the future look like for Camera Slice?

In one year, we'd like to see Camera Slice cashflow positive. We'd also love to have developed multiple apps and software tools that really enhance the user experience of Camera Slice, and allow users to share in the experience of an event with their network and the world!

See how it works and try it for yourself at the upcoming event. Camera Slice will be there to show you their awesome photo technology, along with a variety of other Minnesota startups.